FISHERS OF MEN: The World Is Our Ocean




When Jesus began to gather his disciples, he told them that they would no longer be fishing for fish, but they would be fishers of men; working to populate the kingdom of God. Sometime after, before Jesus ascended back to heaven, he commanded his followers to go into the whole world, and spread the good news of the gospel. Therein the whole world of humanity became like an ocean! Vast though it may be, the mission is clear. The situation is more urgent than ever at this time, because we seem to be near the close of fishing season. We are in the end times, and as Jesus said in another place, “the laborers (or fishers) are few”; and prayer should be offered for more fishers to cast their nets! Will you be one?

But we need real followers of Jesus Christ to join in the effort. We do not need any more apologists for Satan and sin, posing as Christians. The situation is much too serious for that! False teachers they are, polluters of the waters, making it difficult to see the difference between “fish” (or souls) that have been cleansed and those that have not. In this analogy, the clean ones go to heaven, and the others will go into the “frying pan” of Hell.

Fishing the Whole World, Only to Catch A Few?

 But you never know who that few might be. Jesus paid a huge price, just to save a few, as he acknowledged it would be. But we cannot watch the parade of humanity go by, and hold back on our efforts just because only a few will make a favorable response. If God would have given up because of a poor response from most people, many that are saved would have remained lost, (including me). When we consider the brutality of Jesus’ sacrifice, and the poor response given by most people, one might wonder why did he go through with it? the answer from Jesus would be, because you were worth the risk! Again, He would leave the “99” to find you! If you have not connected with Him yet, start reaching back with your heart; it’s the fishing line without a hook, or a crook. YOU MUST GRAB IT WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH!


What’s your response to Jesus and His fishers?

When Jesus returns, another question is: “Who shall be able to stand before him without guilt?”

The Strong Will Survive!

But be ready for the fight! It takes more than what you see being practiced in most churches today. Get more Bible-based insights by exploring other pages on this Website/Blog; and the videos on CROSS & SPIRIT YouTube channel.