A Warning In Time
Is a Great Act of Love
How Could SO MANY Be SO WRONG??? It's a convergence of Prophecy, History, & Last Days
To the remaining SPIRITUAL SURVIVORS; and REAL SEEKERS OF TRUTH; and those Still Able to Think for Themselves: This Website Is for You!
Predicted 20 years ago, America would be Only 4% Christian
The Future Is Now!!! Spiritual Death in the "Church"!
Unfortunately, Multitudes in Church Institutions and the World have Fulfilled Bible Prophecy in 2 Thessalonians, chapter 2:

The Hour Is Late! The Last Days "FALLEN CHURCH" is full of sinners, Believing They Are Saved!
A "Saved Sinner"??? God does NOT accept this "Oxymoron"!
Perhaps because it's as "Crazy as an Ox!"

We show how to Do the Word, from the Heart, not just Hear

We MUST slam the door on sin, because...

Revelation Chapter 18; It's Shaping Up As Fate of USA!
Please Be Sure to SEARCH ALL Pages on This Website for a Thorough Understanding of Biblical Christianity! Then You Will Know What It Takes to Be Ready for THE RETURN OF JESUS CHRIST!